Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Judah's 5th

Wow! 5 years old.
It doesn't seem like he's been here that long, but he has.
Since Mel is in Canada on the company dollar, I had Leah and Larry and Oma and Opa over to grill some burgers... except it rained and hailed (it was nearly 95 earlier today, but you should've seen the hail comin' down) so we had fried burgers. They were almost as good. Then we had a little cake and ice cream and a few small presents.
I guess on Saturday were doing the big birthday party for all the friends and the rest of the family. Mel will be back by then, and she can run it, cause I know the real deal; we already had the REAL party!

Makin' a wish on some chocolate fudge cake!

It's a... sweater ... oh wait, it's a flute!

Hungry Hippo anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, I can't believe I forgot his birthday. I knew I was missing something. Sorry Jamin, Sorry Judah. Happy Belated Birthday!!!! I am so glad you're five now. I love you and miss you.


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