Monday, May 11, 2009

Dia de las Madres... and Sand

So we had a great time on Mothers' Day. The family came over and we had fried chicken and the fixin's. Everyone was happy to either be a mother or have one... most everyone. There were at least two in the group who were celebra... spending Mothers' Day without a mother.

Oma, C, Douglas, Kaitlyn, Keith and Opa on Mothers' Day

Other side of the room: Tim, Opa, Leah, Larry and Cheri at the house

Oma and Cheri at the Mothers' Day banquet at their church

This afternoon I picked up my first load of sand. It went a little farther than I thought it would. I originally planned on three loads, but it looks like I'll only need one more. Tomorrow I'll get another load and order the flagstone for delivery. This is what the walkway looks like with the first load of sand put in. It is starting to look like an actual walkway.

The last time I went to the dirt store I got a piece of the flagstone I'll be using. This is what it looks like. It's sort of a brown with a little gray. It's more brown than it looks in the picture, and there is a lot of variety to the color. I think it will be a great looking walkway when I finish. Only time will tell.

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