Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Updates and Stuff

It's been raining the last couple of days, and Caleb and Mel aren't here, so I've got a little time to update.
My upside down tomatos aren't looking like the ones on TV, but they are healthy and growing well. I finally have an edible tomato, which will probably end up in my belly this afternoon ('Get in my Belly'). There are several more blooms that are making fruit, so that's a good thing. I think the ones on TV are grown right side up, then re-planted in their cute little hangy bags right before the commercial is shot. That's the only explanation; on the commercials there aren't any upturned shoots on the plants...
The basil is doing really well, and the thyme is doing fine. I lost all of the cilantro, but I've never had any luck with it anyway.

I saw this hawk on a snag outside our house this morning and shot a picture of him. I wish I had a better camera for telephoto shots. I think it's a redtail hawk. It and its friends sit out in the woods and call to each other "kree kree kree" one after the other. I don't know what they're saying, but it's pretty cool to watch and listen to.

This is one of our resident bunnies. They like to sit in the yard and on the edge of the woods and eat, then they go right to the middle of the driveway and leave a 'deposit'... always right in the middle of the driveway. I guess that's not completely bad. It's a gravel driveway and they're just helping to build it up.

Wasting Time
Caleb and I got bored the other day, so we got out the .22 and wasted a few rounds. Then I got this bright idea (see video), so we got out the camera and took video of it. I should've used a bigger gun; then you could really see some action!

That's all for now. Hopefully my next post will have a little more exciting news...

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