Monday, March 17, 2008

Roof and Siding

Lots of stuff happened recently. The roof is nearly complete. They only have a few shingles to go. I think they will be done tomorrow- Wednesday, the latest. The siding is coming along. They are supposed to do the front of the garage tomorrow, and then finish building the porch, then put the siding on the front of the house. After they finish that, they should move to the inside and finish the framing there. It won't be long until we ... well judging from the way things have been thus far, it probably will be a while yet... before anything else happens. I think have succumbed to the squalor of apartment life.

Siding on the back side of the bedrooms- bathroom in the middle

Front of the house- look at the lovely shingles

Shingles on the back- Playroom windows newly expanded and awaiting... windows, and siding, too

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