Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Spring Fever

I just bought some window planters and put some lupines and cosmos in them. It should be about a week or two before they come up. Caleb really enjoyed helping me plant them.
The plants I've already put in are looking great. My cala lilies are doing better than they have ever done. This is about the 4th year for the one variety and the 3rd year I've had the other. Really early this spring we got a tomato from the store and left it on the counter for about three days. When I sliced it, it was full of seedlings. So I put it out in one of my pots. All of the seedlings died off in the last frosts, but some of the seeds sprouted after that. Now some of the seedlings have really taken off. I hope they will do really well so I can have some fresh tomatoes.

My volunteer tomatoes

Calas, waiting for some blooms

My standard herb garden: cilantro, basil, and parsley

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